Wednesday 27 March 2013

Maoist Rebel News: Not Our Comrade

Statement by the uOttawa Marxist Students' Association

The University of Ottawa Marxist Students' Association unequivocally condemns the recent misogynistic and homophobic outburst of Maoist Rebel News, which can be found in a video he posted to his YouTube channel on March 20, 2013. In said video, Maoist Rebel News defends his use of bigoted language on the basis of 'free speech' and on the basis that so-called 'language police' should not be able to dictate how he acts in his private conversations. He also accuses those that attack the use of such language as hiding behind what he terms the 'feminism shield', and equates them with Nazis. This is unacceptable.

First and foremost, the Marxist Students' Association stands with marginalized groups in their struggles against oppression. This includes struggling against the use of oppressive language, which reinforces the dehumanisation that these groups face on a daily basis. Regardless of whether or not Maoist Rebel News is a homophobe or a misogynist, the language that he uses lets homophobes and misogynists know that their thoughts and actions are OK. Before he disabled the comments on his youtube video the effects of this were fairly obvious; legions of his followers felt empowered to lambast women and LGBTQ*+ people. Furthermore, the use of these words in private is no different; Maoist Rebel News must combat this liberalism towards himself. We feel it is obvious that such activities are unacceptable for someone who has pledged himself to the liberation of humanity.
Given that Maoist Rebel News considers himself to be a Maoist, we make this appeal to him: the Maoist tradition is renowned for the spirit of self-criticism as a means of accounting for past mistakes. We demand that Maoist Rebel News self-criticise for his actions and words and issue a public apology. Only then will be able to again consider him a comrade.

-uOttawa Marxist Students' Association


  1. Where is the video? If you are criticizing something you must include the video so people can see if you are hiding behind capsulated leftist terms in order to make yourself look revolutionary :) Also a video will help people decide for themselves.

  2. I agree, I am a maoist and I think he went too far. Some people do hide behind the shield of feminism in a bad way but his out burst was just tasteless.

  3. Maoist Rebel News is a crazy fool, who is too lazy to work. Communists like you don't understand basic economics, and think that having a totalitarian govt. where everything is owned by the state will create a stateless utopia where no one wrongs each other. Meanwhile, you choose to ignore the hundreds of millions of deaths caused by Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, and most importantly Mao Zedong, combined. I will give you the argument that stumps all other commies. Give me the name of a communist country that worked. I would also ask for you to give me the name of the Communist country that wasn't totalitarian, and didn't kill its own people. Go USA and support the troops fighting for our rights!!!
